Say Hello to Grav!

installation successful...

graph LR subgraph Technology tech(Technology) space(Space) comp(Computers) crypto(CryptoCurrency) block(Blockchain) home(Kitchen) ag(Growing) tech --> space tech --> comp comp --> crypto comp --> block tech --> home home --> ag end subgraph Wisdom wisdom(Wisdom) comms(Writing) med(Meditation) muse(Muse) philo(Philosophy/Religion) wisdom --> comms wisdom --> med wisdom --> philo med --> wisdom med --> muse end subgraph Social social(Social Impact) bus(Business) ent(Entrepreneurship) social --> bus social --> ent end classDef green fill:#9f6,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px; classDef orange fill:#f96,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px; class ent,wisdom green class social orange

Congratulations! You have installed the Base Grav Package that provides a simple page and the default Quark theme to get you started.

If you see a 404 Error when you click Typography in the menu, please refer to the troubleshooting guide.

Find out all about Grav

  • Learn about Grav by checking out our dedicated Learn Grav site.
  • Download plugins, themes, as well as other Grav skeleton packages from the Grav Downloads page.
  • Check out our Grav Development Blog to find out the latest goings on in the Grav-verse.

If you want a more full-featured base install, you should check out Skeleton packages available in the downloads.

Edit this Page

To edit this page, simply navigate to the folder you installed Grav into, and then browse to the user/pages/01.home folder and open the file in your editor of choice. You will see the content of this page in Markdown format.

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